Monday, January 22, 2007

He needs an allowance!

So I walked in the kitchen last night to find Buzz Lightyear doing my dishes!! What a treat!! He does great things now that he's discovered he can drag his accomplice "the chair" anywhere he needs. (ah!!) It reminded me of when he use to sit on the sink board next to me in the old apt. and help do dishes. Here is a pick of when he was 1&1/2 helping with the dishes. I wasn't joking when I said he is a great helper!


Amy said...

WHAT A GOOD BOY, Jack! You are so handsome and so nice to help Mommy! I love you!

Unknown said...

Does he wear the costume often? What a great worker!

Stephanie said...

That is TOO Cute!! How fun to see that. My mother-in-law told me that her grandma said (wow - I'm really passing this on. :p) - anyway - she said that whenever kids want to help you should let them, even if they don't do a good job, because then they will want to help when they get older. Looks like you are doing good at letting him help. Does he do a good job? Seriously - how cute and how fun! I can't believe how much he's growing!

Katie said...

Those are his Buzz p.j.s he wears & he has his Buzz costume he also wears on random occasions. He is a big fan!