Sunday, March 23, 2008

Once upon a time....

I almost saw the Easter Bunny! We had just woke up and were heading to the back door to make sure the Easter Bunny had delivered the goods. Well.... my Dad and my older sister were already looking out the window. I wasn't tall enough to see out the window, to tell you how old I was. anyway I come into the room and they say to me "Hurry Katie HURRY! The Easter Bunny is in our yard right now!!" So I am jumping and shouting and wondering why in the world is no one helping me up to see what could be one of the biggest moments of my life!!! I grab a chair and pull it over and they say " Oooooh you just missed him! He just hopped right over that fence." Talk about devastation. I remember that story clear as day every Easter. Maybe one of these years I'll catch that rascal of a bunny OR maybe I'll just repay my Dad and Amy for that dirty trick!

Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your Ham & potatoes!


Amy said...

Oh sad day. I remember when Rod and Dad did that to me!!!!!! Sorry Kate! Happy Easter!

Katie said...

Lol. No damage done. It's a funny story. Wait, so did Rod find out about the "Easter Bunny" before you??