Friday, March 30, 2007

I'd rather be riding my bike....

We have bikes! Eric got a bike a few weeks ago and I got one last weekend! We also bought a child trailer to pull the kids around too! We have to get creative with the activities we can do as a family. We are excited to take a ride once the weather gets better. We rode bikes so much growing up and I am excited to carry on the tradition. We always took our bikes to Monterey every summer to ride the trail along the coast. Mmm that was so refreshing! Christy and I always wore helmets when we were little so anytime Rod, Amy or Dad would pass us the would hit our helmet (which was loud) and say "Buckethead!" We also rode the trails in Yosemite and the trail along the American River in Sac Town. Christy and I rode our bikes daily after school. When we got old enough 4th or 5th grade) we could ride over to Kimball St. and go down "7 Steps" with Matt and Luke (cousins). That was the ultimate bikers challenge. It was so fun. Once we had this girl staying with us from England. She didn't know how to ride a bike very well, but Christy and I took her to 7 steps anyway. We told her the easier way to go down the hill. Well this girl didn't even turn the bike!! So she went sailing off the trail and eventually ran into some big water tank thing. She had a pretty big scratch on her arm. So Christy and I took her home and aided to her scratch and then told her not the tell our Mom! Since our Mom had told us specifically not to take her there. I'll never forget that night at dinner. She was very obvious about the huge scratch 'cause she wanted my Mom to see it! Christy and I kept giving her the eyes, like stop making it obvious!! Mom eventually found out but I don't remember getting in too much trouble. Christy and I loved to ride through puddles as well. There was always a great one in the teacher parking lot at Magnolia. It was always obvious we had gone through puddles because we would have a huge streak of mud up the middle of our backs. Amy and I use to ride our bikes to piano lessons too, when I was in 2nd grade. We would save up our change and go to 7 11 after our lesson and get candy for ourselves and Rod and Christy. Our parents also had drink holders mounted on our bikes to so we could all carry our slurpees on family rides to get a treat. It was also fun to ride bikes on the ranch too. Grandma and Grandpa always had enough scooters and bikes for all of us to ride. We would race up and down the lane. It was a blast. Woa! I am typing a lot!!! I am just so glad to be back on the world of biking. I have such great memories of riding bikes growing up and hopefully our kids will too!!


Amy said...

I agree Kate! I love bikes. Gary says he is going to get me a bike for Mother's day. I guess I need to decide what I want. We also are getting a trailer! I have been watching them on ebay, but Target also has them, so we may just get it there! Yeah! i can't wait for warmer weather! The rodeo parade is 2 weeks from tomorrow and I can't wait to take Jill!

Stephanie said...

Katie, Oh my goodness - I had totally forgotten about "7 steps" - crazy! It's sad because Doug & I got matching mountain bikes ( cute;) back in 2001 when Aardvark Cycles in Provo was doing their inventory clearance - ANYWAY - basically we used them a TON in Utah with all the great trails up in the canyon and at Sundance - you have to go during the summer! You pay for a lift ticket (best to go in the pm) and just bike DOWN. I'm guessin the other ski resorts have that too. But, yeah - biked in Utah...don't bike here. They don't have bike trails. Very sad. I guess we'll just have to bike the subdivisions. I loved your post it just reminded me of so many good memories.

This novel was written by Steph Crosby ;)