Sunday, June 8, 2008

All because 2 people fell in love...

My Grandparents celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary. They had a big party on May 24th which just so happens to be our Anniversary! We celebrated our 5th and the day after that was Kelly & Talmage's 6th! So Happy Anniversary all around! Most of the Valk Family was able to be in town for the celebration. It was so great to see everybody and have the great grandkids run around together. There are 13 "greats" - 5 and under, with 2 on the way. Good work Grandma & Grandpa!
p.s. I'm not sure why that pic turned out sideways and it's really bugging me but I can't justify any more time trying to fix it.


melanie said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY EVERYONE!!! How fun to have so many cousins to play with!!! You have a GREAT family. (and a very cute blog!) :)